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House Points

Gryffindor 8

Slytherin 8

Ravenclaw -7

Hufflepuff- 0

    Fantastic Beasts And Were To Find Them - A


    Number of posts : 56
    Age : 29
    Name : Josh
    Registration date : 2009-02-21

    Character Profile
    Name: Mr. Griffin
    Job: HoD-CoMC

    Fantastic Beasts And Were To Find Them - A Empty Fantastic Beasts And Were To Find Them - A

    Post  Master-OF-EVIL Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:53 pm

    Dangrousness Guide
    XXXXX - Known as a wizard killer, it is impossible to train this type of creature.
    XXXX - Only should a skilled wizard handle this creature. Requires specialist knowledge, VERY dangerous.
    XXX - Strong wizard can cope with this type of creature.
    XX - Can be domesticated and trained.
    X - Not Harmful To Humans
    Abominable Snowman
    Rating Of Dangrousness - XXXX
    Place Of Orgin - Tibet
    Another Name For The Yeti (Read Yeti)
    Rating Of Dangrousness - Unknown
    Place Of Orgin - France (Possiably)
    A breed of the Winged horse; the Abraxan is a gigantic, extremely powerful Palomino. They drink only single malt whisky and require "forceful handling"
    Rating Of Dangrousness - XXXXX
    Place Of Orgin - Borneo
    A gigantic black spider (legspan may reach up to 15 feet) it is very poisonous. It can speak English.
    Rating Of Dangrousness - Unknown
    Place Of Orgin - Britain
    A breed of winged horse, colered chestnut.
    Anipodean Opaleye
    Rating Of Dangrousness - XXXXX
    Place Of Orgin - New Zealand and Australia
    Lives in valleys, it has pearly scales, medium in size,eyes are sparkely and multicolored. Fire color from mouth is Red. It eats Sheep. It's egg color is Pale Grey.
    Rating Of Dangrousness - None
    Place Of Orgin - Everywere
    This creature is used for making potions, including the Wit-Sharpening Potion.
    Rating of Dangrousness - XXX
    Place Of Orgin - Everywere
    This is a thin, grey serpent with glowing red eyes that comes out of magical fires and lives long enough to lay fiery hot eggs in a Dark, and secluded spot. These eggs can be used as Potion ingredients, but are very Dangerous if they are not found and frozen in time they Can and Will set buildings on fire (If Near some)
    Augurey (Irish Pheonix)
    Rating of Dangrousness - XX
    Place Of Orgin - Ireland
    This is a thin bird, Slightly resembling a Vulture, it is greenish-black in color it flys only in heavy rain, It's cry was once thought to be a Death Oman but now it's crys tell there is Rain coming. It eats insects and Faries.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:03 pm