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House Points

Gryffindor 8

Slytherin 8

Ravenclaw -7

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2 posters

    Broom Stock.


    Number of posts : 129
    Age : 33
    Name : Gary. Duh.
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Broom Stock. Empty Broom Stock.

    Post  Gary Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:36 pm

    Broom Stock. Firebolt

    Information; A top quality quidditch and racing broom used by different teams all around the world. This broom can hit up to 150mph's and keep it up for the length of the game. The top broom released in the past few years. 25 Galleons.

    Broom Stock. Nimbus2001

    Information; Voted the second best broom ever to be released, although it weighs slightly more than a Nimbus 2000 it's am uch steadier broom with less tail drag and with much better sweving and turning ability. A great sporting broom. 19 Galleons

    Broom Stock. Nimbus2000

    Information; It may be lighter and slightly faster than the 2001 model but it has a bad tail drag and less swerving and turning ability. It's built to be a great racing and sporting broom but probably wn't withstand a crash as well as the 2001. 15 Galleons

    Broom Stock. Cleansweep7

    Information; The latest in the Clean Sweep series of brooms the 7 is a beginners dream. Decent speed, decent turning, quite a sturdy broom with an even weight distrubution. Not the best, not the worst, your everyday average broom. 10 Galleons.

    Broom Stock. Comet260

    Information; One of the lowest standard racing brooms on the market. It's quite slow and struggles to build up to a great speed. It's got a very bad drift and tail probleme and cannot withstand crashs. It's good for quidditch but don't expect to win on this. Perfect for beaters really. 7 Galleons

    Broom Stock. Twigger90

    Information; The Twigger90 is one of the only brooms not made for sport. The Twigger is a broom for travel with a top speed of 108Mph. It's a decent broom but not very popular when others do both quidditch and travel.
    5 galleons

    Number of posts : 23
    Age : 28
    Registration date : 2009-03-08

    Broom Stock. Empty Re: Broom Stock.

    Post  vancer Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:39 pm

    -as i enter the shop-
    -as i browse around the sections-
    -as i pay 25 galleons for a firebolt-

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