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House Points

Gryffindor 8

Slytherin 8

Ravenclaw -7

Hufflepuff- 0

    Homework/Classwork Grades


    Number of posts : 73
    Age : 28
    Name : George Smith
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Character Profile
    Name: George
    Job: Deputy Headmaster, Head Of Ravenclaw

    Homework/Classwork Grades Empty Homework/Classwork Grades

    Post  george1164 Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:09 pm

    Most people know what they are, but for the people who do not, here is the guide:

    Pass Grades:

    O - Outstanding
    This grade is for the students who worked really hard and did there very best.

    E - Exceeds Expectation
    This grade is given to the students who worked hard and did good, but could put a little more effort into there work.

    A - Average
    This grade is given to the student who worked normally, and did what they had to, but could put a lot more effort into there work

    Fail Grades:

    P - Poor
    This grade is given to the students who do not do all the work set, or who put the bare minimum into there work, these students need to try there best to get into the pass grades section.

    D - Dreadful
    This grade is given to the students who barely work, do not pay attention most of the time, and who generally do not take work seriously, students who receive this grade on a regular basis need to be spoken to about it, these students need to try there best to pay more attention and get more work done.

    T - Troll
    This grade is given to the students who do not complete work set, who pay no attention whatsoever, who do not follow instruction, if this grade is received more than once, it should be taken very seriously, as this grade just means the student is purposefully not doing the work and that they are the people usually disrupting lessons, people who receive this grade even once should be getting there grades right back up and pay attention in class and do ALL work set.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:46 pm