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HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 2:45 pm by gangsta-loz

» Habbo Prom Photo: George And Millie
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyFri Jun 05, 2009 10:11 am by Milletta Corantine

» MDF original screenie
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyFri May 29, 2009 8:09 am by george1164

» Application For Head of Gryffindor
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyThu Apr 09, 2009 6:39 am by Khoatik

HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyThu Apr 09, 2009 6:30 am by Khoatik

» `H` headmaster application
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyFri Mar 27, 2009 1:11 pm by vancer

» Post your Pics Thread.
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptyFri Mar 27, 2009 5:51 am by vancer

» I Appoligize
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptySun Mar 22, 2009 10:13 am by vancer

» App. For HoG
HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) EmptySat Mar 21, 2009 6:53 am by Milletta Corantine

House Points

Gryffindor 8

Slytherin 8

Ravenclaw -7

Hufflepuff- 0

    HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job)


    Number of posts : 56
    Age : 29
    Name : Josh
    Registration date : 2009-02-21

    Character Profile
    Name: Mr. Griffin
    Job: HoD-CoMC

    HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job) Empty HoG Application... (Dont think We should apply for it but i thought i must If we do apply for the job)

    Post  Master-OF-EVIL Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:13 pm

    Head Of Gryffindor

    Habbo Name:

    Time at *H*:
    First Full Day It Opened

    In Character Name:
    Prof. Gibral

    In Character Age:

    Current Occupation:
    HoD-CoMC, Temporary Deputy Head Master, Head Of Magical Transporation


    Family Name:

    Wand Type:
    Willow, Pheonix Feather

    Past Experience:

    - ]H[ HoD-Herbology, ]H[ HoD-DADA, ]H[ Slytherin Prefect

    - *H* HoD-CoMC, *H* Gryffindor Prefect, HoMT, Temporary Deputy Headmaster

    Why Are you Best Fit for this Job?
    I Am Always Active Every Day, I have friends that trust and respect me, I have what it takes to Run A house, I Am not too Strict, Work Before RP, I try to help every student, I Am Knoledgable, And Convincing.

    What Would you do To benefit *H* With this job?
    I Am active every day, Im convincing so hopefully i can get people to listen to me well. I understand how the forums work so i can run those, I am an American (Not saying anything just that We really dont have any American high Ranks). I May not be as Experianced as Khoatik in the HP world but i do know alot about it.

    What would this Job mean to you, And what do you think this Job Does?
    What this job does is run Gryffindor and make sure everyone is behaving themselves. Having this job would make me very happy beacuse I need to proove something to myself that I Can be in charge of a large group of people.

    This Is It, I dont say Im better then anyone, i just want this job Very much, (Yes i know i have to Take one of my jobs away, I will think about that if i get the job)

    PS: LMFAO Khoatik My app is prettier then urs Laughing

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:52 pm