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    Advanced Spell Casting - by Alexander richards.


    Number of posts : 129
    Age : 33
    Name : Gary. Duh.
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Advanced Spell Casting - by Alexander richards. Empty Advanced Spell Casting - by Alexander richards.

    Post  Gary Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:21 am

    Cast One - Non-verbal Spell Casting

    Non-Verbal spell casting is one of the most advanced forms of magical spell casting. not a lot of students can master it and a lot of adults struggle to use it to it's full extent. This form casting gives an advatage over your openent because they will not know the spell you are casting, thus catching them off guard and unexpected. This may sound like an easy feat, but it is far from been so and in order to use it, the following required fro, the caster of the spell:

    They must concentrate on the spell.
    They must be confident in themselves.
    They must be calm when casting it.
    They must not utter a word.

    If you are successful in doing the following an entire new world of spell casting is open to you. This process is known as: CCCQ. Concentration. Confidence. Calmness. Quietness. Using this process should allow you to cast Non-Verbal spells with relative ease compared to most others. using it may be hard at first as you learn to abide by CCCQ you will soon be a master of this ability. No training is required but a strong mind and body are. This is Cast One in Advanced Spell casting.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:26 pm