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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 2:45 pm by gangsta-loz

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyFri Jun 05, 2009 10:11 am by Milletta Corantine

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyFri May 29, 2009 8:09 am by george1164

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyThu Apr 09, 2009 6:39 am by Khoatik

Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyThu Apr 09, 2009 6:30 am by Khoatik

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyFri Mar 27, 2009 1:11 pm by vancer

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptyFri Mar 27, 2009 5:51 am by vancer

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptySun Mar 22, 2009 10:13 am by vancer

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Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith EmptySat Mar 21, 2009 6:53 am by Milletta Corantine

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    Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith


    Number of posts : 73
    Age : 28
    Name : George Smith
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Character Profile
    Name: George
    Job: Deputy Headmaster, Head Of Ravenclaw

    Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith Empty Everything You Need To Know About Flying, Broomsticks And Quidditch - By George Smith

    Post  george1164 Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:28 pm


    Hello students who are reading this book, this is used as revision for homework and for use during class, feel free to go through this book for thing you may have missed in lesson, or just take a seat and read curiosity.


    Flying is fairly straight forward, but if done wrong, can result in serious injury.
    The first thing to do is to stand to the side of the broomstick that you have been Given to, then place your hand slightly above it, and say, Up.
    Seems pretty simple eh, but you must want it to come up, you must be ready to fly, or the broomstick will just stay down.
    Now, the next thing you do is mount your broomstick, this is probably the easiest part of flying, simply sit on the broomstick, and hold onto the front of the broom with both of your hands, firmly holding on.
    When you want to start flying, the first thing you should do is to hover, only slightly above the ground, to get the feel of flying, it may seem boring, but its safer then just whizzing off while you do not know what you are doing now, right, then, after about 2 seconds, softly touch down.
    Now that you know the basics of hovering in the air, you need to get used to moving, now mount your broomstick and take off, to move forward, simply just push it forward slowly, and you will begin to move, then if you pull back, you will slowly start to stop, easy, right, to make sure you have the basics of this, just fly a lap around the pitch.
    Now to go higher, just pull you broomstick up, and accelerate, and to go down, push your broomstick down and accelerate.
    Now that you know how to fly, just whiz around the pitch for a bit, getting used to it, because if you took this seriously enough and you can do everything on here successfully, then you may just stand a chance of joining your houses quidditch team.


    Broomsticks are the most popular way wizards travel without Apparating or Flooing, but the are usually used for the sport of quidditch.
    There are many brands and types of broomsticks, the best and the most popular brands are:
    Broomsticks are made out of wood and twigs, and each broom is made of different wood, even if it is actually the same type of wood, it is always different.


    Quidditch is the most popular sport in the wizarding world, nearly everyone plays it, and nearly all of them watch it.
    a quidditch team consists of: 4 chasers, 2 beaters, a keeper and a seeker.
    A chasers job is to score in quidditch, and to score you need to get the the big red ball called the Quaffle, into the big golden hoops, there are 3 hoops, if a chaser gets the Quaffle into a hoop, they score 10 points for there team.
    A beaters job is to bat the small magic propelled balls called Bludgers at people from the opposite team OR to bat the Bludgers away from there team mates.
    The Keepers job is to guard the hoops and to stop Quaffle's being shot from the opposing team from going through them.
    The Seaker has the most important job, the seaker flies around the pitch, trying to catch the little golden ball called the Golden Snitch, if the seaker from either team manages to catch the snitch, that team receives 150 points (The Equivalent of 15 goals) and the game is over.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:49 pm