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*H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 2:45 pm by gangsta-loz

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*H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. EmptyThu Apr 09, 2009 6:30 am by Khoatik

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*H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. EmptySat Mar 21, 2009 6:53 am by Milletta Corantine

House Points

Gryffindor 8

Slytherin 8

Ravenclaw -7

Hufflepuff- 0

3 posters

    *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application.


    Number of posts : 129
    Age : 33
    Name : Gary. Duh.
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. Empty *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application.

    Post  Gary Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:44 am

    Habbo Name: FunkyBucket
    Time at *H*: Since Opening.
    In Character Name: Scar Montez
    In Character Age: 29
    Current Occupation: Head of the White Death.
    BloodType: Pure Blood.
    Family Name: Montez
    Wand Type: Elder Wand

    [ *H* Past Experience: ]

    - Minister of Magic [ Alex Richards ]
    - High Inquisitor [ Alex Richards ]
    - Head of Divination [ Alex Richards ]
    - Head Auror [ Alex Richards ]

    Why Are you Best Fit for this Job?

    I am best fit for the job because I'm one of the best rpers in *H* and I'd make a good Dark Lord. I can do all the things that are required and I have proved myself capable of doing it with the following, I acquired all three Deathly Hallows and carried out Two successful raids on the Ministry and the School. The current Dark Lord is Voldemort and he is never active at *H*., I'm active here almost every day and I can carry much more than he could in terms of Dark Magic and in been a Dark Wizard in general.

    What Would you do To benefit *H* With this job?

    Well, in the position of Dark Lord I can carry out raids on Hogwarts the the Ministry, these will be organized and small as to keep control of what happens during them. I can organize the Dark Wizards in the rp and keep them in order, keeping them in order stops them randomly attacking Hogwarts. Raids of the Dark Wizards will only happen every now and then, maybe once every week or so, this will keep the rate of damage down and the battles in order. I've proved I can lead and organize, thats what the Dark Wizards need at the moment, someone like me.

    What would this Job mean to you, And what do you think this Job Does?

    This job means a lot to me in the terms I can lead the Dark Wizards in my own way and keep them steady in what they do and how they do it. On terms of what this job does, it controls the Dark Wizards, leads them and keeps them in line. The Dark Lord also decides when the Dark Wizards attack the Ministry or Hogwarts and also decides how it will happen and what they should do. It's a job I can hold on to well. I've already proven myself capable of doing anything that the Dark Lord would do.

    Number of posts : 7
    Age : 31
    Registration date : 2009-02-22

    Character Profile

    *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. Empty Re: *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application.

    Post  ,Kiwibird Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:45 am

    Sup - ported.

    Number of posts : 160
    Age : 36
    Name : Toby
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Character Profile
    Name: Leon Brooks
    Job: Founder, Head Of Slytherin, HoDHoM

    *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. Empty Re: *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application.

    Post  Toby Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:34 am

    1) Lol @ Kiwi's Avatar
    2) Accepted Smile

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    *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application. Empty Re: *H* Scar Montez - Dark Lord Application.

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