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    The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 2 - D-F


    Number of posts : 73
    Age : 28
    Name : George Smith
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Character Profile
    Name: George
    Job: Deputy Headmaster, Head Of Ravenclaw

    The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 2 - D-F Empty The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 2 - D-F

    Post  george1164 Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:06 pm


    Deletrius (deh-LEE-tree-us)
    Year: 7

    Erases the ghost images of spells revealed by Priori Incantato.


    Defodio (deh-FO-dee-oh)
    Year: 7

    Digs through or hollows out the target.


    Densaugeo (den-sah-OO-gi-oh)
    Year: 4

    Causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely.


    Deprimo (de-PREE-moh)
    Year: 7

    Blasts a hole through the target object.


    Depulso (de-PULSE-oh)
    Year: 1

    Like Flipendo, except that Depulso is used only for magical levers and switches.


    Descendo (deh-SEN-doe)
    Year: 7

    Causes something to descend or lower itself.


    Diffindo (dih-FIN-doe)
    Year: 4

    Spell that cuts something open.


    Disapparate (dis-AP-a-rate)
    Year: 6-7

    Incantation: "Licentia Locus"

    Apparition, as seen from the place a wizard is leaving.


    Disillusionment Charm
    Year: 7

    Incantation: "Velieris Specialis"

    A charm which hides the true, magical nature of something.


    Door-Opening Spell
    Year: 3

    Incantation: "Patefacio Ianua"

    Sends a jet of sparks out of the wand, opening the target door. More powerful than Alohamora.


    Drought Charm
    Year: 4

    Incantation: "Sitis"

    Dries up water.


    Duro (DUR-oh)
    Year: 7

    Turns the target object to stone.



    Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh)
    Year: 2

    Spell which causes the target to swell in size.


    Ennervate (EN-er-vayt)
    Year: 4

    Ennervate can be used in order to bring someone back to consciousness, like to counter the spell Stupefy.


    Entrail-Expelling Curse
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Tergum Reversal"

    This curse causes the victim's insides to come out of them.


    Entrancing Enchantment
    Year: 4

    Incantation: "Incido Diligo"

    Spells that cause the target person to fall in love with the caster.


    Episkey (eh-PIS-key)
    Year: 6

    Heals/repairs damage that has been inflicted on the target.


    Erecto (er-EC-toe)
    Year: 7

    Straightens out the target object and sets it up.


    Evanesco (ev-an-ES-ko)
    Year: 5

    Makes something vanish (not just become invisible, but go away completely)


    Everte Statum (ee-VER-tay STAH-tum)
    Year: 2

    Duelling spell used to send the opponent flying.


    Expecto Patronum (ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num)
    Year: 5+

    Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors.


    Expelliarmus (ex-pel-ee-AR-mus)
    Year: 2

    Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of his or her hand. The opponent is then said to have been Disarmed.


    Expulso (ex-PUL-soh)
    Year: 7

    Blows up the target.


    Extension Charm, Undetectable
    Year: 7

    Incantation: "Dilato"

    Extends the internal dimensions of the target object without affecting the external dimensions.


    Extinguishing Spell
    Year: 6

    Incantation: "Imbuo"

    Spell that puts out fires.



    Feather-Light Charm
    Year: 3

    Incantation: "Pluma"

    Spell that makes the target object weigh practically nothing.


    Fera Verto (FAIR-uh VAIR-to)
    Year: 2

    The spell transforms an animal into a cup or goblet.


    Ferula (feh-ROO-lah)
    Year: 6

    Spell that conjures a wooden rod.


    Fidelius Charm (fih-DAY-lee-us)
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Fidelius"

    An immensely complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find -- unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it.


    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Fiendfyre"

    Cursed fire, made up of flames of abnormal size and heat that can crumble fairly substantial objects to soot at a mere touch. Left burning long enough, the fire will take the shapes of gigantic fiery beasts (including serpents, chimaeras, dragons, and birds of prey) which will pursue any target humans.


    Finger-Removing Jinx
    Year: 6

    Incantation: "Aufero Finxi"

    Temporarily removes the target person's fingers.


    Finite (fi-NEE-tay)
    Year: 1

    Stops a currently operating spell effect.

    Finite Incantatem (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum)
    Year: 2

    Stops currently operating spell effects. More advanced than Finite.


    Fire Talking
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Incendia Sermo"

    Only used in Flood Powder, using this charm in a fire connected to the Floo Network, a person can communicate with another over distance. The head of the person making contact appears in the midst of the flames and they can hold a conversation and even interact physically with the person they are connecting to.


    Fixing Charm
    Year: 5

    Incantation: "Constrictum"

    Spell that magically fastens one thing to another.


    Flagrante Curse (flah-GRAN-tay)
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Ustulo"

    Causes the target object to burn anyone who touches it.


    Flagrate (flah-GRAH-tay)
    Year: 5

    Creates a burning, fiery line in the air which can be "drawn" with the wand into specific shapes. The shape lingers for some time.


    Flame-Freezing Charm
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Glacio Flamma"

    Changes the properties of fire so that its heat feels like a warm breeze.


    Flashing Paint Charm
    Year: 1

    Incantation: "Reniteo"

    This "tricky little charm" makes the paint on a banner flash different colors.


    Flipendo (fli-PEN-do)
    Year: 1

    The spell used to push or topple something.


    Fountain of Wine
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Pluvia Vinum"

    A spell which produces a fountain of wine from the end of the caster's wand.


    Fur Spell
    Year: 4

    Incantation: "Saeta"

    A spell that causes a person to grow fur.


    Furnunculus (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus)
    Year: 4

    Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:09 am