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House Points

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    The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 1 - A-C


    Number of posts : 73
    Age : 28
    Name : George Smith
    Registration date : 2009-02-20

    Character Profile
    Name: George
    Job: Deputy Headmaster, Head Of Ravenclaw

    The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 1 - A-C Empty The Book Of All Known Spells - Book 1 - A-C

    Post  george1164 Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:38 am


    Anapneo (ah-NAHP-nay-oh)
    Year: 6

    Spell that clears the target's airway, if blocked.


    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Haud Penetro"

    Prevents someone from Apparating.


    Anti-Cheating spell
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Haud Impono "

    Cast on quills before exams.


    Aparecium (a-par-EE-see-um)
    Year: 2

    Makes invisible ink become visible.


    Arania Exumai (uh-RAY-nee-uh EX-oo-my)
    Year: 2

    Knocks over or throws back spiders.


    Arresto Momentum (uh-RES-toe mo-MEN-tum)
    Year: 3

    Slows the descent of a falling object.


    Ascendio (uh-SEN-dee-oh)
    Year: 4

    Causes the spellcaster to ascend rapidly.


    Atmospheric Charm
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Aer..."

    After Aer, one should put the following to change the weather:

    Clear: Candide
    Cloudy: Nebula
    Rainy: Pluvia
    Storming: Tempestas
    Snow: Snou
    Day: Dies
    Night: Noctis

    Something to do with weather effects such as are seen at Ministry of Magic headquarters in London.


    Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh)
    Year: 6

    "Killing Curse"

    Causes instant death in a flash of green light, usually leaving no sign of physical damage or of the cause of death that would be detectable to a Muggle autopsy.


    Avis (AH-vis)
    Year: 4

    Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.




    Babbling Curse
    Year: 2

    Incantion: "Garrio"

    Exact effect not mentioned, but one can assume it causes the victim to babble.


    Banishing Charm
    Year: 1-4


    Sends an object away from the caster; the target object is said to have been Banished.


    Bedazzling Hex
    Year: 7

    Incantation: "Reverentia"

    Presumably causes the target object to bedazzle any observer.


    Bat-Bogey Hex
    Year: 4

    Incantation: "Amplus Pennae"

    Engorges an opponent's 'bogies' to bat-size, gives them wings, and sets them to attacking his or her face.


    Bluebell Flames
    Year: 1

    "bluebell" flower with blue blossoms

    Incantation: "Puteulanus Flamma"

    Creates a quantity of blue flame which can be directed to a specific place.


    Bombarda (bom-BAR-da)

    Spell which can blast open a door.


    Bracchium Emendo (BRAK-ee-um ee-MEN-do)
    Year: 7+

    The spell fixes a broken forearm, unless you don't do it properly...


    Braking Charm
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Subsisto"

    Charm used on a broomstick to allow it to stop effectively.


    Bubble Charm
    Year: 1

    Incantation: "Ebullio"

    Spell which pours non-bursting golden bubbles out of the wand.


    Bubble-Head Charm
    Year: 4

    Incantation: "Tutis Caput"

    Encloses the head of the caster with a bubble of breathable air.




    Canary Transfiguration Hex
    Year: 6

    Incantation: "Exsisto Canalis"

    A temporary hex to change someone into a giant canary. After a few moments, the Transfigured person molts back into themselves.


    Carpe Retractum (CAR-pay re-TRACT-um)
    Year: 3

    Pulls objects toward the caster, or vice versa.


    Caterwauling Charm
    Year: 7+

    Incantation: "Genitor"

    When an unauthorized person enters the target area while the effect is running, a caterwauling noise will be set off.


    Cave Inimicum (KAH-vay i-NI-mi-kum)
    Year: 7

    Defensive spell to keep enemies away.


    Cheering Charm
    Year: 3

    Incantation: "Fortuno"

    A charm that cheers a person up, makes them happy.


    Cistem Aperio (SIS-tem ah-PER-ee-oh)
    Year: 5

    Opens the target crate.


    Colloportus (co-lo-POR-tus)
    Year: 5

    Seals a door, making an odd squelching noise.


    Colour Change Charm
    Year: 5

    Incantation: "Abeo Luster"

    Changes the colour of the object used on.


    Confringo (con-FRIN-goh)
    Year: 7

    Blasting Curse

    Causes the target to explode.


    Confundo (con-FUN-doh)
    Year: 3

    Confundus Charm

    Causes confusion. A person who is affected by this Charm is said to be Confunded.


    Conjunctivitis Curse
    Year: 7

    Incantation: "Facio Caecus"

    A spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target.


    Crucio (KROO-see-oh)
    Year: 5

    One of the "Unforgivable Curses," this spell causes the victim to suffer almost intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged use of this curse have been driven insane. A victim of this curse is said to have been Cruciated.


    Curse of the Bogies
    Year: 1

    Incantation: "Impetro Infirmus"

    This Curse will cause the victim to become violently ill.


    Cushioning Charm
    Year: 7

    Incantation: "Diripio"

    The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible "pillow" on the handle of a broom to make flying more comfortable.


      Current date/time is Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:00 am